As the year flew past, it seemed hard to find time to stop and reflect. In some ways it appears that the world is still mentally stuck in 2020 when our way of life shifted. My personal experience in 2021 has been extremely bountiful and I have been lucky enough to progress in many areas of my life without having to break my back.
2021 Reflections
And plans for the year ahead
The biggest shift for me and my family was to locate away from the busy streets of London. After spending over a decade in one of the world’s grandest and arguably most famous cities, we decided to seek refuge in suburbia. Here we have more space, more nature, less pollution and some of the best schools in the country. The reception couldn’t have been better, we got cards in the post by neighbours welcoming us to the neighbourhood. A real difference from the over populated areas of London where you see the same people every day but don’t even greet them. Studies have been made to show that people living in the city become unmoved by others and block out the outside world. Considering everything that’s been happening, moving to the “country” was the best decision we made. In addition I got to fulfil my longstanding ambition of having my own studio at home and make use of this space every day. I guess one can say that 2021 has been a year of more physical work and less mental boggles, which has helped me to remain positive despite countrywide events.
Whilst the distance is greater, the actual commute to central London is roughly the same time but much more enjoyable. Now that hybrid working is in effect at most companies, the distance doesn’t pose any problems. Some companies have asked me how best to retain talent, and it’s pretty obvious that the employers that offer flexibility and freedom will see the biggest pull for key players in the digital space. The lockdowns have made most of us realise that we can offer value and expertise to companies from the comfort of our homes, and that we can be in charge and design the life that we want.
Finally there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel, the fear seems to be fading away and faith is beginning to be restored in humanity. Now we know what we have been dealing with and how to reduce the damage. But as mentioned, I think people struggle to move on and get mentally trapped in the illness and refuse to let go of the pandemic. Personally, I think we should (not trying to sound like a fad) keep calm and carry on. After a somewhat long downturn, there are brighter times ahead. Focusing on the opportunities ahead, should be an exciting thought for anyone.
In the year ahead, I plan to publish my book Coaching Cre8tives and have begun putting together a website and LinkedIn group. The other major goal in relation to this will be to establish a network of mentees that I can help to thrive in their respective careers. By focusing on giving and helping, one’s limits for success becomes obsolete. I firmly believe, and have seen this in so many successful people, that the ones who come from an unselfish place in the spirit of spreading positivity, will always go far. I will take this opportunity to invite any readers to join my LinkedIn group or reach out to me directly if they want advice on their creative career, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a student. In addition to this, I have will be making additional announcements with regards to my professional career progression, so watch the space.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who’s helped me in the last year, send my blessings to anyone who lost loved ones, and wish you all a fabulous year ahead.